オンラインSen Craft Wire English Cafe開催
ついに、オンラインSen Craft Wire English caféを開催したいと思っています。つきましては、1ヶ月無料体験レッスン受け放題を開催中です。

もちろん、毎月ワイヤークラスに来て下さる方の参加もお待ちしています。ぜひ一緒にオンラインSen Craft Wire English caféを盛り上げてください!!
LINE 友達追加

Announcement of a special offer exclusively for LINE friends!
Here’s some exciting news! For LINE friends of Sen Craft Wire English who can make payments using PayPay, I’m planning to hold a One-Coin (500 yen) Sen Craft Wire English café session.
This will be an online (using ZOOM) café-style English conversation group lesson where we casually chat in English with no strict use of textbooks, so there’s no need for advance preparation. Just join in and let’s have a relaxed conversation in English.
Initially, it is scheduled to be held once a month with a capacity of six people. If there are many applicants, I may consider adding additional sessions. Since many people may have commitments on weekends, I’m planning for 40-minute sessions on weekday evenings.
I will inform every one of the schedule and time separately via LINE message! I would be delighted if you could join.
I understand that some of you may not be accustomed to online lessons, but everyone starts as a beginner. It’s not a private lesson, so there will be other students as well, allowing you to start without feeling nervous.
Whether you have visited Craft Wire English before but it’s been a while, or if you haven’t attended a wire class yet because of hesitation, or if you simply want to get to know Nick before joining the class, you are all welcome.
Of course, I also look forward to the participation of those who come to the wire class every month. Let’s have a great time together at the online Sen Craft Wire English café!
Please wait for a LINE message from me, Nick, for the official date and time.